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Newyork Konvansiyonu


Yabancı Hakem Kararlarının Tanınması ve Ä°crası Hakkındaki New York SözleÅŸmesinin Onaylanmasının Uygun BulunduÄŸuna Dair Kanun


(Resmî Gazete ile yayımı : 21.5.1991 Sayı : 20877)

Kanun No. , Kabul Tarihi 3731 8.5.1991

MADDE 1. — 10 Haziran 1958 tarihli Yabancı Hakem Kararlarının Tanınması ve terası Hakkındaki New York SözleÅŸmesinin, ikinci maddedeki beyanın yapılması suretiyle, onaylan­ması uygun bulunmuÅŸtur.

MADDE 2. — Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, sözleÅŸmenin 1 inci maddesinin 3 üncü paragrafına uygun olarak, sözleÅŸmeyi sadece karşılıklılık esasına göre bu sözleÅŸmeye taraf olan bir devlet ülkesinde verilmiÅŸ olan hakem kararlarının tanınması ve tenfizi hakkında uygulayacağını; ayrı­ ca sözleÅŸmeyi yalnız akdi veya âkit dışı hukukî münasebetlerden kaynaklanan ve kendi iç hu­ kukuna göre ticarî mahiyette sayılan uyuÅŸmazlıklar hakkında uygulayacağını beyan eder.

MADDE 3. — Bu Kanun yayımı tarihinde yürürlüÄŸe girer. MADDE 4. — Bu Kanun hükümlerini Bakanlar Kurulu yürütür.


1. Bu sözleÅŸme gerçek veya tüzel kiÅŸiler arasında doÄŸan uyuÅŸmazlıklarda, tanınması ve icrası istenen devletten baÅŸka bir devlet toprağında verilen hakem kararlarının tanınmasına ve icrasına uygulanır. SözleÅŸme aynı zamanda tanınması ve icrası istenen devlette millî sayılma­ yan hakem kararları hakkında da uygulanır.

2. "Hakem kararı" terimi ile sadece belli meselelerin çözülmesi için tayin olunan ha­ kemlerin deÄŸil aynı zamanda tarafların baÅŸvurdukları daimi hakemlik organlarının da verdik­ leri kararlar anlaşılır.

3. Ä°ÅŸbu sözleÅŸmeyi imza veya onaylama, buna katılma veya sözleÅŸme hükümlerini 10 un­ cu maddede yazılı yerlere teÅŸmil ihbarı sırasında, her devlet, mütekabiliyet esası dairesinde, söz­ leÅŸme hükümlerini sadece diÄŸer bir Akit Devletin topraklarında verilen hakem kararlarının ta­ nınması ve icrasına uygulanacağını beyan edebilir. Bunun gibi her devlet sözleÅŸmenin uygulan­ masını akdi ve akdi olmayan hukukî münasebetlerden doÄŸan uyuÅŸmazlıklar arasında kendi millî kanununa nazaran sadece ticari mahiyette sayılanlara hasredeceÄŸini beyan edebilir.

II. Madde

1. Âkit devletlerden her biri, tarafların akte dayanan veya akdî olmayan, belli bir hukuk münasebetinden aralarında doÄŸmuÅŸ veya ileride doÄŸabilecek, hakemlik yolu ile halledilmesi mümkün bir konu ile ilgili uyuÅŸmazlıkların tamamını veya bir kı'smını hakeme hallettirmek üzere birbirine karşı taahhüde giriÅŸmelerine dair yazılı anlaÅŸmalarını muteber addeder.


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2. "Yazılı anlaÅŸma" terimiyle karşılıklı olarak gönderilen mektup veya telgraflarda bu­ lunan veya taraflarca imzalanmış mukaveleler içine konan hakem ÅŸartı veya bir hakem muka­ velesi anlaşılır.

3. Bir Âkit Devlet mahkemesi, tarafların, iÅŸbu maddenin anladığı manada anlaÅŸma ak­ dettikleri bir konu ile ilgili uyuÅŸmazlıklarına el koyduÄŸu takdirde, anlaÅŸmanın hükümden düÅŸ­ müÅŸ, tesirsiz veya tatbiki imkânsız bir halde olduÄŸunu tespit etmedikçe, bunları, birinin talebi üzerine, hakemliÄŸe sevkeder.

III. Madde

Âkit devletlerden her biri hakem kararlarının muteberliÄŸini tanıyacak ve bunların öne sü­ rüldüÄŸü memlekette yürürlükte olan usul kaideleri gereÄŸince aÅŸağıdaki maddelerde yazılı ÅŸart­ lar dairesinde icrasını temin edecektir, tÅŸbu sözleÅŸmenin ÅŸümulü içine giren hakem kararlarının tanınması ve icrası için millî hakem kararlarınınkine nisbetle ne oldukça daha ağır ÅŸartlar yük­ lenecek ne de daha yüksek adlî harçlar alınacaktır.

IV. Madde

1. Bundan önceki maddede zikri geçen tanıma ve icranın temini için, tanıma ve icra ka­ rarı verilmesini isteyen tarafın, bu husustaki isteÄŸi ile beraber aÅŸağıdaki belgeleri de getirmesi icabeder:

a) Hakem kararının usulüne göre tasdik edilmiÅŸ aslını yahut da aslına uygunluÄŸunu göste­ ren ÅŸartları ihtiva eden bir suretini,

b) II. madde hükmünde zikri geçen hakem anlaÅŸmasının aslını veya aslına uygunluÄŸunu gösteren ÅŸartları ihtiva eden bir suretini.

2. EÄŸer zikri geçen karar veya zikri geçen hakem anlaÅŸması ileri sürüldüÄŸü memleketin resmî bir dilinde yazılmamış bulunursa, hükmün tanınması ve icrasını isteyen tarafın, bu bel­ gelerin zikri geçen dile çevrilmiÅŸ bir tercümesini ibraz etmesi lazımdır. Tercümenin resmî veya yeminli bir tercüman yahut da diplomatik veya konsolosluk ajanı tarafından onanması ÅŸartUr.

V. Madde

1. Aleyhine hakem kararı ileri sürülen taraf talepte bulunmaz ve zikri geçen kararın ta­ nınması ve icrası istenen memleketin yetkili makamı önünde aÅŸağıdaki hususları ispat etmez ise, hakem kararının tanınması ve icrası isteÄŸi reddolunamaz:

(a) II. maddede derpiÅŸ olunan anlaÅŸmayı akdeden tarafların haklarında tatbiki gereken kanuna göre ehliyetsiz olduÄŸu, yahut da zikri geçen anlaÅŸmanın taraflarca tabi kılındığı kanu­ na ve eÄŸer bu babta sarahat mevcut deÄŸilse hakem kararının verildiÄŸi yer kanununa göre hü­ kümsüz bulunduÄŸu; veya

(b) Aleyhine hakem hükmü öne sürülen tarafın hakemin tayininden veya hakemlik prose­ düründen usulü dairesinde haberdar edilmemiÅŸ olduÄŸu, yahut da diÄŸer bir sebep yüzünden id­ dia ve müdafâa vasıtalarını ikame etmek, imkânını elde edememiÅŸ bulunduÄŸu; veya

(c) Hakem karasının hakem mukavelesinde veya hakem ÅŸartında derpiÅŸ edilmiyen bir uyuÅŸ­ mazlığa iliÅŸkin olduÄŸu yahut hakem mukavelesi veya hakem ÅŸartının ÅŸümulünü aÅŸan hü-

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kümleri muhtevi bulunduÄŸu; bununla beraber hakem kararının hakemliÄŸe tabi bulunan mese­ leler hakkındaki hükümleri bunun dışında kalan hükümlerinden ayırt edebilecek durumda ise bunların tanınması ve icrası cihetine gidilebilir; yahut

(d) Hakem mahkemesinin teÅŸekkülünün veya hakemlik usulünün tarafların anlaÅŸmasına ve anlaÅŸma olmayan hallerde hakemliÄŸin cereyan ettiÄŸi yer kanunu hükümlerine uygun bulun­ madığı; veya

(e) Hakem kararının taraflar için henüz mecburî olmadığı veya, bunun, verildiÄŸi memle­ ket kanunu yahut tabi olduÄŸu kanun yönünden yetkili bir makam tarafından iptal veya hük­ münün icrasının geri bırakılmış bulunduÄŸu.

2. Hakem kararının tanınması ve icrası istenen memleketin yetkili makamı tarafından aÅŸağıdaki hallerin bulunduÄŸu görülecek olursa, tanıma ve icra isteÄŸi kezalik reddolunabilir: (a) Tanıma ve icra isteÄŸinin öne sürüldüÄŸü memleketin kanununa göre uyuÅŸmazlık konu­

sunun hakemlik yolu ile halle elverişli bulunmaması; veya
(b) Hakem kararının tanınması ve icrasının zikri geçen memleketin amme intizamı kaide­

lerine aykırı olması.

VI. Madde
V. Maddenin 1, e, bendinde derpiş edilen yetkili makamdan, hakem kararının iptali veya

icrasının geri bırakılması istendiÄŸi takdirde, huzurunda hakem kararı öne sürülen makam uy­ gun görürse, bunun icrası hükmünün verilmesini ileriye bırakabilir; ve kezalik, kararın icrasını isteyen tarafın talebi üzerine karşı tarafı uygun teminat verilmesiyle ödevli kılabilir.

VII. Madde

1. tÅŸbu sözleÅŸme hükümleri, âkit devletler arasında akdedilmiÅŸ hakem kararlarının ta­ nınması veya icrasına dair, iki yahut çok taraflı sözleÅŸmelerin muteberliÄŸihe halel getirmez ye ilgili taraflardan hiçbirini, bir hakem kararından, bunun dermeyan edildiÄŸi memleketin kanun ve sözleÅŸmeleri hükümleri dairesinde faydalanmak imkânından mahrum kılmaz.

2. Hakemlik ÅŸartlarına dair 1923 tarihli Cenevre protokolü ile yabana hakem kararları­ nın icrasına dair 1927 tarihli Cenevre SözleÅŸmesi, âkit devletler iÅŸbu sözleÅŸme gereÄŸince birbiri­ ne karşı baÄŸlandıkları andan itibaren ve baÄŸlılıkları nispetinde, yürürlüklerini kaybederler.

VIII. Madde

1. tÅŸbu sözleÅŸme, 31 Aralık 1958 tarihine kadar, BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler üyesi olan yahut bir­ leÅŸmiÅŸ Milletlerin bir veya birden fazla mütehassıs müessesesinin üyesi olan veya ileride olacak olan, yahut Milletlerarası Adalet Divanı statüsünde taraf olan veya BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler Genel Kurulunun davet ettiÄŸi diÄŸer her devletin imzasına açık bulundurulacaktır.

2. tÅŸbu sözleÅŸmenin onaylanması ve onama belgelerinin BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler TeÅŸkilâtının Genel SekreterliÄŸine tevdi edilmesi gerekir;

IX. Madde

  1. VIII maddede derpiÅŸ edilen bütün devletler iÅŸbu sözleÅŸmeye katılabilirler.

  2. Katılma BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler TeÅŸkilâtının Genel Sekreteri nezdine tevdi edilecek bir ka­

tılma belgesi ile yapılır.

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X. Madde


1. Her devlet bu sözleÅŸmeyi imza, onaylanma veya buna katılma sırasında sözleÅŸme hük­ münün, milletlerarası sahada temsil ettiÄŸi ülkelerin hepsine, birine veya bazılarına ÅŸâmil olaca­ ğını açıklayabilir. Bu açıklama sözleÅŸmenin zikri geçen devlet hakkında yürürlük kazandığı andan itibaren hüküm ifade eder.

2. Bundan sonra bu mahiyetteki bütün teÅŸmiller BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler teÅŸkilâtının Genel Sekreterine yöneltilmiÅŸ bir tebliÄŸ ile yapılacak ve bu, Genel Sekreter tebliÄŸnameyi aldıktan 90 gün sonra yahut da eÄŸer zikri geçen devlet hakkında sözleÅŸme sonradan yürürlüÄŸe giriyorsa bu son tarihten itibaren hüküm ifade edecektir.

3. SözleÅŸmenin imzası, onaylanması veya buna katılması tarihinde tatbik edilmediÄŸi ül­ kelerin durumuna gelince, ilgili devletlerden her biri, indelhace, ve anayasa mülahazaları ge­ rektiriyorsa bu ülkelerin hükümetlerinin muvafakatlerini de almak kaydıyla, sözleÅŸme hükmü­ nü bu yerlere de teÅŸmil için gerekli tedbirlerin alınması imkânlarını inceler.

XI. Madde

- 1. AÅŸağıdaki hükümler federatif olan veya basit olmayan devletler hakkında uygulanır:

(a) Ä°ÅŸbu sözleÅŸmedeki hükümler federal kuvvetin kanun yapma yetkisinin ÅŸümulü içine girdiÄŸi nispette Federal hükümetin vecibeleri, federatif olmayan âkit devjetlerinkinin aynıdır.

(b) iÅŸbu sözleÅŸmenin federatif devleti teÅŸkil eden federe devlet veya eyaletlerin her birinin kanun yapma yetkisine taalluk eden ve bunların federasyonun anayasa sistemi gereÄŸince kanu­ nî tedbirler alınmasıyla ödevli bulunmadıkları hükümlerine gelince, federal hükümet, en ya­ kın bir zamanda bu hükümleri müsbet mütalaasiyle birlikte federe devlet veya eyaletlerin yet­ kili makamlarının bilgisine ulaÅŸtırmayı taahhüt eder.

(c) tÅŸbu sözleÅŸmede taraf olan bir federatif devlet, BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler teÅŸkilâtının Genel Sekreteri vasıtasıyla kendisine ulaÅŸtırılacak olan âkit her hangi diÄŸer bir devletin talebi üzeri­ ne, sözleÅŸmenin ÅŸu veya bu hükmüne dair federasyonda ve onu teÅŸkil eden birliklerde yürür­ lükte olan mevzuat ve tatbikat hakkında bir açıklama göndererek, bahis konusu hükmün mü­ essir hale gelmesi yolunda alınan teÅŸrii veya diÄŸer tedbirlerin vüs'at ve ÅŸümulünü tebliÄŸ eder.

XII. Madde

1. tÅŸbu sözleÅŸme üçüncü onaylama veya katılma belgesinin tevdii tarihini takip eden dok­ sanıncı gün yürürlüÄŸe girecektir.

2. Üçüncü onaylama veya katılma belgesinin tevdiinden sonra sözleÅŸmeyi onaylayacak veya buna katılacak olan devletlerden her biri hakkında sözleÅŸme, onaylama veya katılma bel­ gesinin tevdiini takip eden doksanıncı gün yürürlüÄŸe girecektir.

XIII. Madde

1. Her Âkit Devlet bu sözleÅŸmenin, BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler teÅŸkilâtı Genel Sekreterine gön­ derilecek yazılı bir tebliÄŸ ile feshini ihbar edebilir. Feshin ihbarı, BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler teÅŸkilâtı Genel Sekreterine sonradan yapacağı tebliÄŸ ile sözleÅŸmenin, tebliÄŸin Genel Sekreter tarafından alınması tarihinden bir sene sonra bahis konusu ülkede uygulanmasının sona ereceÄŸini bildire­ bilir.


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3. tÅŸbu sözleÅŸme, feshi ihbarın hüküm ifade etmesinden evvel haklarında tanıma ve icra usulü baÅŸlamış bulunan hakem kararları hakkında uygulanmaya devam eder.

XIV. Madde

Bir Âkit Devlet, iÅŸbu sözleÅŸme hükümlerini diÄŸer bir âkit devlete karşı, ancak kendisinin uygulamakla yükümlü olduÄŸu nisbette ileri sürülebilir.

XV. Madde

BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler TeÅŸkilâtının Genel Sekreteri VIII. maddede derpiÅŸ edilen bütün devlet­ lere aÅŸağıdaki hususları tebliÄŸ eder:

(a) VIII. maddede derpiş edilen imza ve onaylamaları;
(b) IX. maddede derpiş edilen katılmaları;
(c) I. X ve XI maddelerde derpiÅŸ edilen açıklama ve tebliÄŸleri;

* (d) XII. madde gereÄŸince iÅŸbu sözleÅŸmenin yürürlüÄŸe girdiÄŸi tarihi; (e) XIII. maddede derpiÅŸ edilen feshi ihbar ve tebliÄŸleri.

XVI. Madde

1. tngilizce, Çince, ispanyolca, Fransızca ve Rusça metinleri eÅŸit olarak hüküm ifade eden iÅŸbu sözleÅŸme, BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler TeÅŸkilâtının arÅŸivlerinde saklanır.

2. BirleÅŸmiÅŸ Milletler TeÅŸkilâtının Genel Sekreteri iÅŸbu sözleÅŸmenin aslına uygunluÄŸu onan­ mış bir suretini VIII. maddede derpiÅŸ edilen devletlere ulaÅŸtırır.

BU KANUNA AÄ°T TUTANAKLAR Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi

Cilt BirleÅŸim Sayfa

33 24 124
55 59 3
60 114 156:157,164,246:250

I - Gerekçeli 500 S. Sayılı Basmayazı Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin 114 üncü BirleÅŸim tutanağına baÄŸlıdır.

II - Bu Kanunu; Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisinin Adalet ve DışiÅŸleri Komisyonları görüÅŸ­ müÅŸtür.

III - Esas No. : 1/633










Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)



The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly. It plays an important role in improving the legal framework for international trade by preparing international legislative texts for use by States in modernizing the law of international trade and non-legislative texts for use by commercial parties in negotiating transactions. UNCITRAL legislative texts address international sale of goods; international commercial dispute resolution, including both arbitration and conciliation; electronic commerce; insolvency, including cross-border insolvency; international transport of goods; international payments; procurement and infrastructure development; and security interests. Non-legislative texts include rules for conduct of arbitration and conciliation proceedings; notes on organizing and conducting arbitral proceedings; and legal guides on industrial construction contracts and countertrade.

Further information may be obtained from:

UNCITRAL secretariat, Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 500, 1400 Vienna, Austria

Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-4060 Telefax: (+43-1) 26060-5813 Internet: E-mail:


Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (New York, 1958)



Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com- bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.

The publication reproduced here is a revised version in which part three of the original publication of 2009 has been removed.

Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested, together with a copy of the publication containing the quotation or reprint.

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Part one. United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration, New York, 20 May–10 June 1958. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Excerpts. from. the. Final. Act. of. the. United. Nations. Conference. on. . International.Commercial.Arbitration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. . Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Part two. Recommendation regarding the interpretation of article II, paragraph 2, and article VII, paragraph 1, of the Convention
on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

General. Assembly. resolution. 61/33. of. 4. December. 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Recommendation. regarding. the. interpretation. of. article. II,. paragraph. 2,. . and. article. VII,. paragraph. 1,. of. the. Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards,. done. in. New.York,. 10. June. . 1958,. adopted. by. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17





Recognizing. the. growing. importance. of. international. arbitration. as. a. means. of. settling. international. commercial. disputes,. the. Convention. on. the. Recog- nition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards. (the. Convention). seeks. to. provide. common. legislative. standards. for. the. recognition. of. arbitration. agreements. and. court. recognition. and. enforcement. of. foreign. and. non-. domestic. arbitral. awards .. The. term. “non-domestic”. appears. to. embrace. awards. which,. although. made. in. the. state. of. enforcement,. are. treated. as. “foreign”,. e .g .. another. State’s. procedural. laws. are. applied .

The. Convention’s. principal. aim. is. that. foreign. and. non-domestic. arbitral. awards. will. not. be. discriminated. against. and. it. obliges. Parties. to. ensure. such. awards. are. recognized. and. generally. capable. of. enforcement. in. their. jurisdiction. in. the. same. way. as. domestic. awards .. An. ancillary. aim. of. the. Convention. is. to. require. courts. of. Parties. to. give. full. effect. to. arbitration. agreements. by. requiring. courts. to. deny. the. parties. access. to. court. in. con- travention. of. their. agreement. to. refer. the. matter. to. an. arbitral. tribunal .

Key provisions

The. Convention. applies. to. awards. made. in. any. State. other. than. the. State. in. which. recognition. and. enforcement. is. sought .. It. also. applies. to. awards. “not. considered. as. domestic. awards” .. When. consenting. to. be. bound. by. the. Convention,. a. State. may. declare. that. it. will. apply. the. Convention. (a). in. respect. to. awards. made. only. in. the. territory. of. another. Party. and. (b). only. to. legal. relationships. that. are. considered. “commercial”. under. its. domestic. law .

The. Convention. contains. provisions. on. arbitration. agreements .. This. aspect. was. covered. in. recognition. of. the. fact. that. an. award. could. be. refused. enforcement. on. the. grounds. that. the. agreement. upon. which. it. was. based. might. not. be. recognized .. Article. II. (1). provides. that. Parties. shall. recognize.


written. arbitration. agreements .. In. that. respect,. UNCITRAL. adopted,. at. its. thirty-ninth. session. in. 2006,. a. Recommendation. that. seeks. to. provide. guidance. to. Parties. on. the. interpretation. of. the. requirement. in. article. II. (2). that. an. arbitration. interested. party. to. avail. itself. of. rights. it. may. have,. under. the. law. or. treaties. of. the. country. where. an. arbitration. agreement. is. sought. to. be. relied. upon,. to. seek. recognition. of. the. validity. of. such. an. arbitration. agreement ..

The. central. obligation. imposed. upon. Parties. is. to. recognize. all. arbitral. awards. within. the. scheme. as. binding. and. enforce. them,. if. requested. to. do. so,. under. the. lex. fori .. Each. Party. may. determine. the. procedural. mechanisms. that. may. be. followed. where. the. Convention. does. not. prescribe. any. requirement .

The. Convention. defines. five. grounds. upon. which. recognition. and. enforce- .. The. grounds. include. incapacity. of. the. parties,. invalidity. of. the. arbitration. agreement,. due. process,. scope. of. the. arbitration. agreement,. jurisdiction. of. the. arbitral. tribunal,. setting. aside. or. suspension. of. an. award. in. the. country. in.which,,.that.award.was.made ..The.Convention. defines. two. additional. grounds. upon. which. the. court. may,. on. its. own. motion,. refuse. recognition. and. enforcement. of. an. award .. Those. grounds. relate. to. arbitrability. and. public. policy .

The. Convention. seeks. to. encourage. recognition. and. enforcement. of. awards. article. VII. (1). of. the. Convention. by. removing. conditions. for. recognition. and. enforcement. in. national. laws. that. are. more. stringent. than. the. conditions. in. the. Convention,. while. allowing. the. continued. application. of. any. national. provisions. that. give. special. or. more. favourable. rights. to. a. party. seeking. to. enforce. an. award .. That. article. recognizes. the. right. of. any. interested. party. to. avail. itself. of. law. or. treaties. of. the. country. where. the. award. is. sought. to. be. relied. upon,. including. where. such. law. or. treaties. offer. a. regime. more. favourable. than. the. Convention .

Entry into force

The. Convention. entered. into. force. on. 7. June. 1959. (article. XII) .

How to become a party

The. Convention. is. closed. for. signature .. It. is. subject. to. ratification,. and. is. open. to. accession. by. any. Member. State. of. the. United. Nations,. any. other.


State. which. is. a. member. of. any. specialized. agency. of. the. United. Nations,. and. IX) .

Optional and/or mandatory declarations and notifications

When. signing,. ratifying. or. acceding. to. the. Convention,. or. notifying. a. terri- torial. extension. under. article. X,. any. State. may. on. the. basis. of. reciprocity. of. awards. made. only. in. the. territory. of. another. Party. to. the. Convention .. It. out. of. legal. relationships,. whether. contractual. or. not,. which. are. considered. as. commercial. under. the. national. law. of. the. State. making. such. declaration. (article. I) .


Any. Party. may. denounce. this. Convention. by. a. written. notification. to. the. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations .. Denunciation. shall. take. effect. one. (article. XIII) .


Part one


NEW.YoRk,. 20. MAY–10. JUNE. 1958

Excerpts from the Final Act of the United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration1

“1 .. The.Economic.and.Social.Council.of.the.United.Nations,.by.resolution. 604. (XXI). adopted. on. 3. May. 1956,. decided. to. convene. a. Conference. of. Plenipotentiaries.for.the.purpose.of.concluding.a.convention.on.the.recogni- tion. and. enforcement. of. foreign. arbitral. awards,. and. to. consider. other. pos- of. private. law. disputes ..


“12 .. The. Economic. and. Social. Council,. by. its. resolution. convening. the. Conference,. requested. it. to. conclude. a. convention. on. the. basis. of. the. draft. convention. prepared. by. the. Committee. on. the. Enforcement. of. International. Arbitral. Awards,. taking. into. account. the. comments. and. suggestions. made. by. Governments. and. non-governmental. organizations,. as. well. as. the. discussion. at. the. twenty-first. session. of. the. Council .

“13 .. on. the. basis. of. the. deliberations,. as. recorded. in. the. reports. of. the. work- ing. parties. and. in. the. records. of. the. plenary. meetings,. the. Conference. prepared. and. opened. for. signature. the. Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards. which. is. annexed. to. this. Final. Act .


“16 .. In. addition. the. Conference. adopted,. on. the. basis. of. proposals. made.,.the.following. resolution:

. 1The. full. text. of. the. Final. Act. of. the. United. Nations. Conference. on. International. Commercial. Arbitration. (E/CoNF .26/8Rev .1). is. available. at. http://www .uncitral .org


. “The Conference,

. “Believing that, enforcement. of. foreign. arbitral. awards. just. concluded,. which. would. contri- bute. to. increasing. the. effectiveness. of. arbitration. in. the. settlement. of. private. law. disputes,. additional. measures. should. be. taken. in. this. field,

. “Having considered .26/6),

. “Having given particular attention to.the.suggestions.made.therein.for. make. practical. contributions. to. the. more. effective. use. of. arbitration,

. “Expresses the following views with. respect. to. the. principal. matters. dealt. with. in. the. note. of. the. Secretary-General:

. “1 .. It.considers.that.wider.diffusion.of.information.on.arbitration.laws,. practices. and. facilities. contributes. materially. to. progress. in. commercial. arbitration;. recognizes. that. work. has. already. been. done. in. this. field. by. interested. organizations,2. and. expresses. the. wish. that. such. organizations,. so. far. as. they. have. not. concluded. them,. continue. their. activities. in. this. regard,. with. particular. attention. to. coordinating. their. respective. efforts;

. “2 .. It.recognizes.the.desirability.of.encouraging.where.necessary.the. establishment. of. new. arbitration. facilities. and. the. improvement. of. existing. facilities,;.and. believes. that. useful. work. may. be. done. in. this. field. by. appropriate. govern- mental. and. other. organizations,. which. may. be. active. in. arbitration. matters,. due. regard. being. given. to. the. need. to. avoid. duplication. of. effort. and. to. concentrate. upon. those. measures. of. greatest. practical. benefit. to. the. regions. and. branches. of. trade. concerned;

. “3 .. of. effective. arbitral. legislation. and. institutions;. and. suggests. that. interested. Governments. and. other. organizations. endeavour. to. furnish. such. assistance,. within. the. means. available,. to. those. seeking. it;

. “4 .. It. recognizes. that. regional. study. groups,. seminars. or. working. parties. may. in. appropriate. circumstances. have. productive. results;. believes. that. consideration. should. be. given. to. the. advisability. of. the. convening. of.

. 2For. example,. the. Economic. Commission. for. Europe. and. the. Inter-American. Council. of. Jurists .


such. meetings. by. the. appropriate. regional. commissions. of. the. United. Nations. and. other. bodies,. but. regards. it. as. important. that. any. such. action. be. taken. with. careful. regard. to. avoiding. duplication. and. assuring. economy. of. effort. and. of. resources;

. “5 .. It.considers.that.greater.uniformity.of.national.laws.on.arbitration. disputes,. notes. the. work. already. done. in. this. field. by. various. existing. organizations,3. and. suggests. that. by. way. of. supplementing. the. efforts. of. for.model.arbitration.statutes.and.other.appropriate.measures.for.encouraging. the. development. of. such. legislation;

. “Expresses the wish that. the. United. Nations,. through. its. appropriate. organs,. take. such. steps. as. it. deems. feasible. to. encourage. further. study. of. measures. for. increasing. the. effectiveness. of. arbitration. in. the. settlement. of. private. law. disputes. through. the. facilities. of. existing. regional. bodies. and. non-governmental. organizations. and. through. such. other. institutions. as. may. be. established. in. the. future;

. “Suggests that. any. such. steps. be. taken. in. a. manner. that. will. assure. proper. coordination. of. effort,. avoidance. of. duplication. and. due. observance. of. budgetary. considerations;

. “Requests that. the. Secretary-General. submit. this. resolution. to. the. appropriate. organs. of. the. United. Nations .”

. 3For.example,.the.International.Institute.for.the.Unification.of.Private.Law.and.the.Inter-American. Council. of. Jurists .



Article I

. 1 .. arbitral. awards. made. in. the. territory. of. a. State. other. than. the. State. where. the. recognition. and. enforcement. of. such. awards. are. sought,. and. arising. out. of.differences.between.persons, ..It.shall.also.apply. to. arbitral. awards. not. considered. as. domestic. awards. in. the. State. where. their. recognition. and. enforcement. are. sought ..

. 2 .. The. term. “arbitral. awards”. shall. include. not. only. awards. made. by. bodies. to. which. the. parties. have. submitted ..

. 3 .. When. signing,. ratifying. or. acceding. to. this. Convention,. or. notifying. extension. under. article. X. hereof,. any. State. may. on. the. basis. of. reciprocity. declare. that. it. will. apply. the. Convention. to. the. recognition. and. enforcement. of. awards. made. only. in. the. territory. of. another. Contracting. State .. It. may. also. declare. that. it. will. apply. the. Convention. only. to. differences. arising. out. of. legal. relationships,. whether. contractual. or. not,. which. are. considered. as. commercial. under. the. national. law. of. the. State. making. such. declaration ..

Article II.

. 1 .. Each. Contracting. State. shall. recognize. an. agreement. in. writing. under. which. the. parties. undertake. to. submit. to. arbitration. all. or. any. differ- ences. which. have. arisen. or. which. may. arise. between. them. in. respect. of. a. defined. legal. relationship,. whether. contractual. or. not,. concerning. a. subject. matter. capable. of. settlement. by. arbitration ..

. 2 .. The. term. “agreement. in. writing”. shall. include. an. arbitral. clause., in. an. exchange. of. letters. or. telegrams ..

. 3 .. The. court. of. a. Contracting. State,. when. seized. of. an. action. in. a. matter. in. respect. of. which. the. parties. have. made. an. agreement. within. the. meaning. of. this. article,. shall,. at. the. request. of. one. of. the. parties,. refer. the. parties. to. arbitration,. unless. it. finds. that. the. said. agreement. is. null. and. void,. inoperative. or. incapable. of. being. performed ..


Article III

. Each. Contracting. State. shall. recognize. arbitral. awards. as. binding. and. the. award. is. relied. upon,. under. the. conditions. laid. down. in. the. following. articles .. There. shall. not. be. imposed. substantially. more. onerous. conditions. or.higher.fees.or.charges.on.the.recognition.or.enforcement.of.arbitral.awards. to. which. this. Convention. applies. than. are. imposed. on. the. recognition. or. enforcement. of. domestic. arbitral. awards ..

Article IV

. 1 .. To. obtain. the. recognition. and. enforcement. mentioned. in. the. pre- ceding. article,. the. party. applying. for. recognition. and. enforcement. shall,. at. the. time. of. the. application,. supply:.

. (a). The. duly. authenticated. original. award. or. a. duly. certified. copy. thereof;.

. (b). copy. thereof ..

. 2 .. If. the. said. award. or. agreement. is. not. made. in. an. official. language. of. the. country. in. which. the. award. is. relied. upon,. the. party. applying. for. recognition.and.enforcement.of.the.award.shall.produce.a.translation.of.these. documents.into.such.language or. sworn. translator. or. by. a. diplomatic. or. consular. agent ..

Article V

. 1 .. Recognition. and. enforcement. of. the. award. may. be. refused,. at. the. request. of. the. party. against. whom. it. is. invoked,. only. if. that. party. furnishes.,. proof. that:.

. (a).,.under. the. law. applicable. to. them,. under. some. incapacity,. or. the. said. agreement. is.,.failing.any. indication.thereon,;. or.

. (b). notice. of. the. appointment. of. the. arbitrator. or. of. the. arbitration. proceedings. or. was. otherwise. unable. to. present. his. case;. or.


. (c). The. award. deals. with. a. difference. not. contemplated. by. or. not.,,.provided. that,. if. the. decisions. on. matters. submitted. to. arbitration. can. be. separated.,.that.part.of.the.award.which.contains.decisions. on. matters. submitted. to. arbitration. may. be. recognized. and. enforced;. or.

. (d). The.composition.of.the.arbitral.authority.or.the.arbitral.procedure. was. not. in. accordance. with. the. agreement. of. the. parties,. or,. failing. such. agreement,. was. not. in. accordance. with. the. law. of. the. country. where. the. arbitration. took. place;. or.

. (e). The.award.has.not.yet.become.binding.on.the.parties,.or.has.been. set. aside. or. suspended. by. a. competent. authority. of. the. country. in. which,. or. under. the. law. of. which,. that. award. was. made ..

. 2 .. Recognition. and. enforcement. of. an. arbitral. award. may. also. be. refused. if. the. competent. authority. in. the. country. where. recognition. and. enforcement. is. sought. finds. that:.

. (a). by. arbitration. under. the. law. of. that. country;. or.

. (b). the. public. policy. of. that. country ..

Article VI

. If. an. application. for. the. setting. aside. or. suspension. of. the. award. has. been. made. to. a. competent. authority. referred. to. in. article. V. (1). (e),. the. authority. before. which. the. award. is. sought. to. be. relied. upon. may,. if. it. considers. it. proper,. adjourn. the. decision. on. the. enforcement. of. the. award. and. may. also,. on. the. application. of. the. party. claiming. enforcement. of. the. award,. order. the. other. party. to. give. suitable. security ..

Article VII

. 1 .. The.provisions.of.the.present.Convention.shall.not.affect.the.valid- ity. of. multilateral. or. bilateral. agreements. concerning. the. recognition. and. enforcement. of. arbitral. awards. entered. into. by. the. Contracting. States. nor. deprive. any. interested. party. of. any. right. he. may. have. to. avail. himself. of. an. arbitral. award. in. the. manner. and. to. the. extent. allowed. by. the. law. or. the. treaties. of. the. country. where. such. award. is. sought. to. be. relied. upon ..


. 2 .. The. Geneva. Protocol. on. Arbitration. Clauses. of. 1923. and. the. Geneva. Convention. on. the. Execution. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards. of. 1927. shall. cease. to. have. effect. between. Contracting. States. on. their. becoming. bound. and. to. the. extent. that. they. become. bound,. by. this. Convention ..

Article VIII

. 1 .. This. Convention. shall. be. open. until. 31. December. 1958. for. signature. on.behalf.of.any.Member.of.the.United.Nations.and.also.on.behalf.of.any.other. State. which. is. or. hereafter. becomes. a. member. of. any. specialized. agency. of. the. United. Nations,. or. which. is. or. hereafter. becomes. a. party. to. the. Statute. of. the. International.Court.of.Justice, addressed. by. the. General. Assembly. of. the. United. Nations ..

. 2 .. This. Convention. shall. be. ratified. and. the. instrument. of. ratification. shall. be. deposited. with. the. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations ..

Article IX

. 1 .. This. Convention. shall. be. open. for. accession. to. all. States. referred. to. in. article. VIII ..

. 2 .. Accession. shall. be. effected. by. the. deposit. of. an. instrument. of. accession. with. the. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations ..

Article X

. 1 .. Any. State. may,. at. the. time. of. signature,. ratification. or. accession,. declare. that. this. Convention. shall. extend. to. all. or. any. of. the. territories. for. ..Such.a.declaration.shall. take. effect. when. the. Convention. enters. into. force. for. the. State. concerned ..

. 2 .. At. any. time. thereafter. any. such. extension. shall. be. made. by. notifica- tion. addressed. to. the. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations. and. shall. take. of. the. United. Nations. of. this. notification,. or. as. from. the. date. of. entry. into. force. of. the. Convention. for. the. State. concerned,. whichever. is. the. later ..

. 3 .. With. respect. to. those. territories. to. which. this. Convention. is. not. extended. at. the. time. of. signature,. ratification. or. accession,. each. State.


to. extend. the. application. of. this. Convention. to. such. territories,. subject,. where. necessary. for. constitutional. reasons,. to. the. consent. of. the. Govern- ments. of. such. territories ..

Article XI

. In. the. case. of. a. federal. or. non-unitary. State,. the. following. provisions. shall. apply:.

. (a). the. legislative. jurisdiction. of. the. federal. authority,. the. obligations. of. the. federal. Government. shall. to. this. extent. be. the. same. as. those. of. Contracting. States. which. are. not. federal. States;.

. (b). the. legislative. jurisdiction. of. constituent. states. or. provinces. which. are. not,. under. the. constitutional. system. of. the. federation,. bound. to. take. legislative. action,. the. federal. Government. shall. bring. such. articles. with. a. favourable. recommendation. to. the. notice. of. the. appropriate. authorities. of. constituent. states. or. provinces. at. the. earliest. possible. moment;.

. (c).,.at.the.request.of. any.other.Contracting.State.transmitted.through.the.Secretary-General.of.the. United.Nations, tion, legislative. or. other. action ..

Article XII

. 1 .. ing. the. date. of. deposit. of. the. third. instrument. of. ratification. or. accession ..

. 2 .. For. each. State. ratifying. or. acceding. to. this. Convention. after. the. deposit. of. the. third. instrument. of. ratification. or. accession,. this. Convention. shall. enter. into. force. on. the. ninetieth. day. after. deposit. by. such. State. of. its. instrument. of. ratification. or. accession ..

Article XIII

. 1 .. notification. to. the. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations .. Denunciation.


shall. take. effect. one. year. after. the. date. of. receipt. of. the. notification. by. the. Secretary-General ..

. 2 .. Any. State. which. has. made. a. declaration. or. notification. under. article.X.may,.at.any.time.thereafter, of. the. United. Nations,. declare. that. this. Convention. shall. cease. to. extend. to. the. territory. concerned. one. year. after. the. date. of. the. receipt. of. the. notifica- tion. by. the. Secretary-General ..

. 3 .. This. Convention. shall. continue. to. be. applicable. to. arbitral. awards. in. respect. of. which. recognition. or. enforcement. proceedings. have. been. instituted. before. the. denunciation. takes. effect ..

Article XIV

. A. Contracting. State. shall. not. be. entitled. to. avail. itself. of. the. present. Convention. against. other. Contracting. States. except. to. the. extent. that. it. is. itself. bound. to. apply. the. Convention ..

Article XV

. The. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations. shall. notify. the. States. contemplated. in. article. VIII. of. the. following:.

  • .  (a).

  • .  (b).

  • .  (c).

  • .  (e). .. Article XVI

  • .  1 .. This. Convention,. of. which. the. Chinese,. English,. French,. Russian. and. Spanish. texts. shall. be. equally. authentic,. shall. be. deposited. in. the. archives. of. the. United. Nations ..

. 2 .. The. Secretary-General. of. the. United. Nations. shall. transmit. a. certi- fied. copy. of. this. Convention. to. the. States. contemplated. in. article. VIII ..

Signatures. and. ratifications. in. accordance. with. article. VIII;. Accessions. in. accordance. with. article. IX;.
Declarations. and. notifications. under. articles. I,. X. and. XI;.
The. date. upon. which. this. Convention. enters. into. force. in. accord-

. (d).
ance. with. article. XII;.



The General Assembly,

Part two



General Assembly resolution 61/33 of 4 December 2006

arising. in. the. context. of. international. commercial. relations,.

. Recalling its. resolution. 40/72. of. 11.December. 1985. regarding. the. Model. Law. on. International. Commercial. Arbitration,1

. Recognizing. the. need. for. provisions. in. the. Model. Law. to. conform. to. current. practices. in. international. trade. and. modern. means. of. contracting. with. regard. to. the. form. of. the. arbitration. agreement. and. the. granting. of. interim. measures,

. Believing. that. revised. articles. of. the. Model. Law. on. the. form. of. the. arbitration.agreement.and.interim.measures.reflecting.those.current.practices. will. significantly. enhance. the. operation. of. the. Model. Law,.

. Noting. that. the. preparation. of. the. revised. articles. of. the. Model. Law. on. the. form. of. the. arbitration. agreement. and. interim. measures. was. the. subject. of. due. deliberation. and. extensive. consultations. with. Governments. and. interested. circles. and. would. contribute. significantly. to. the. establishment. of. a. harmonized. legal. framework. for. a. fair. and. efficient. settlement. of. interna- tional. commercial. disputes,.

1Official Records of the General Assembly, Fortieth Session, Supplement No. 17. (A/40/17),. annex.I .


. Believing that,.in.connection.with.the.modernization.of.articles.of.the. Model. Law,. the. promotion. of. a. uniform. interpretation. and. application. of. the. Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards,. done. at. New.York,. 10.June. 1958,2. is. particularly. timely,

. 1 .. Expresses its appreciation to. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International.Trade.Law.for.formulating.and.adopting.the.revised.articles.of. its. Model. Law. on. International. Commercial. Arbitration. on. the. form. of. the. arbitration. agreement. and. interim. measures,. the. text. of. which. is. contained. in. annex.I. to. the. report. of. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International.,3.and.recommends.that.all. States. give. favourable. consideration. to. the. enactment. of. the. revised. articles. of. the. Model. Law,. or. the. revised. Model. Law. on. International. Commercial. Arbitration. of. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International. Trade. Law,. when.they.enact.or.revise.their.laws,.in.view.of.the.desirability.of.uniformity. of. the. law. of. arbitral. procedures. and. the. specific. needs. of. international. commercial. arbitration. practice;

. 2 .. Also expresses its appreciation to.the.United.Nations.Commission. on. International. Trade. Law. for. formulating. and. adopting. the. recommenda- tion. regarding. the. interpretation. of. article.II,. paragraph.2,. and. article.VII,. paragraph.1,. of. the. Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign.Arbitral.Awards,,.10.June.1958,2.the.text.of.which. is. contained. in. annex.II. to. the. report. of. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International. Trade. Law. on. the. work. of. its. thirty-ninth. session;3

. 3 .. Requests. the. Secretary-General. to. make. all. efforts. to. ensure. that. the. revised. articles. of. the. Model. Law. and. the. recommendation. become. generally. known. and. available .

64th plenary meeting 4 December 2006

  • .  2United.Nations,.Treaty Series,.vol ..330,.No ..4739 .

  • .  3Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/61/17) .. .





The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law,

which. established. the. United. Nations. Commission. on. International. Trade. Law. with. the. object. of. promoting. the. progressive. harmonization. and. unification. of.,.inter.alia,.promoting.ways.and.means.of.ensur- ing. a. uniform. interpretation. and. application. of. international. conventions. and. uniform. laws. in. the. field. of. the. law. of. international. trade,

. Conscious of. the. fact. that. the. different. legal,. social. and. economic. systems. of. the. world,. together. with. different. levels. of. development,. are. represented. in. the. Commission,

. Recalling. successive. resolutions. of. the. General. Assembly. reaffirming. the. mandate. of. the. Commission. as. the. core. legal. body. within. the. United. Nations. system. in. the. field. of. international. trade. law. to. coordinate. legal. activities. in. this. field,.

. Convinced.that.the.wide.adoption.of.the.Convention.on.the.Recognition. and.Enforcement.of.Foreign.Arbitral.Awards, 1958,4. has. been. a. significant. achievement. in. the. promotion. of. the. rule. of. law,. particularly. in. the. field. of. international. trade,

. Recalling. that. the. Conference. of. Plenipotentiaries. which. prepared. and. opened.the.Convention.for.signature.adopted.a.resolution,.which.states,.inter. alia,. that. the. Conference. “considers. that. greater. uniformity. of. national. laws. of. private. law. disputes”,

. Bearing in mind differing.interpretations.of.the.form.requirements.under. the. Convention. that. result. in. part. from. differences. of. expression. as. between. the. five. equally. authentic. texts. of. the. Convention,

. Taking into account article. VII,. paragraph. 1,. of. the. Convention,. a. purpose. of. which. is. to. enable. the. enforcement. of. foreign. arbitral. awards. to.

Recalling General.Assembly.resolution.2205.(XXI).of.17.December.1966,.

. 4United.Nations,.Treaty Series,.vol ..330,.No ..4739 .


the. greatest. extent,. in. particular. by. recognizing. the. right. of. any. interested. party. to. avail. itself. of. law. or. treaties. of. the. country. where. the. award. is., more. favourable. than. the. Convention,

  • .  Considering the.wide.use.of.electronic.commerce,

  • .  Taking into account international. legal. instruments,. such. as. the. 1985.UNCITRAL. Model. Law. on. International. Commercial. Arbitration,5. as. subsequently.revised,,6.the.UNCITRAL. Model. Law. on. Electronic. Commerce,7. the. UNCITRAL. Model. Law. on. Electronic. Signatures8. and. the. United. Nations. Convention. on. the. Use. of. Electronic. Communications. in. International. Contracts,9.

. Taking into account also.enactments.of.domestic.legislation, case. law,. more. favourable. than. the. Convention. in. respect. of. form. require- ment. governing. arbitration. agreements,. arbitration. proceedings. and. the. enforcement. of. arbitral. awards,

. Considering that,.in.interpreting.the.Convention, the. need. to. promote. recognition. and. enforcement. of. arbitral. awards,

. 1 .. Recommends. that. article. II,. paragraph. 2,. of. the. Convention. on. the. Recognition.and.Enforcement.of.Foreign.Arbitral.Awards,,. 10.June.1958,.be.applied.recognizing.that.the.circumstances.described.there- in. are. not. exhaustive;

. 2 .. Recommends also that.article.VII,.paragraph.1,.of.the.Convention. on. the. Recognition. and. Enforcement. of. Foreign. Arbitral. Awards,. done. in. New.York,. 10.June. 1958,. should. be. applied. to. allow. any. interested. party. to. avail. itself. of. rights. it. may. have,. under. the. law. or. treaties. of. the. country. where. an. arbitration. agreement. is. sought. to. be. relied. upon,. to. seek. recogni- tion. of. the. validity. of. such. an. arbitration. agreement .

. 5Official Records of the General Assembly, Fortieth Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/40/17),.annex.I,. and. United. Nations. publication,. Sales. No .. E .95 .V .18 .

  • .  6Ibid .,.Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 17 (A/61/17),.annex.I .

  • .  7Ibid .,.Fifty-first Session,.Supplement No. 17 (A/51/17),.annex.I,.and.United.Nations.publication,. Sales.No ..E .99 .V .4,,,.and.the.accompany- ing. Guide. to. Enactment ..

. 8Ibid .,.Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 17 and.corrigendum.(A/56/17.and.Corr .3),.annex.II,. and. United. Nations. publication,. Sales. No .. E .02 .V .8,. which. contains. also. the. accompanying. Guide. to. Enactment .
. 9General. Assembly. resolution. 60/21,. annex .






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